At Southcrest Christian School, we have a wonderful faculty invested in all of our students. Our teachers are both highly qualified and responsive. To contact or learn more about any of our faculty members, please see the information below.
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Elementary Campus: (806) 797-7400
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Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Masters in Business Administration, Bachelor’s in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing, 4-8 Generalist with ESL, Teacher Certification
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is you will be confident in knowing God created you with a specific design, and that you will take that confidence and purposely live proclaiming Christ boldly and making disciples for Him.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Architecture and Interior Design; Theology and Worship Leadership
Deep Hope: HOPE – Help my students by giving them the chance to learn another language in easy ways, in order to be a blessing to another culture and extend the Kingdom of God. Mark 16: 15
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that we will journey together in discovering the absolutes, recognizing the patterns and understanding the order of God’s Kingdom and the way it relates to our lives and mathematics.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood and Family Studies
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that students would be able to clothe themselves in the Lord for when struggles come they will know how to protect their heart, soul and mind.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Education
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for you is that you Grow in love for Jesus, in kindness towards others, in knowledge of all we do in school so that you will become proud and courageous warriors.
Category: Intervention Specialist
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that we seek the Lord in all we do, that we make lasting relationships by showing Christ’s love to our students and colleagues, and that we shine our light daily to all those around us for God’s glory.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor’s in Early Childhood
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for my students is that they understand God’s love so they may show His love and kindness to others in everything they do.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Masters of Divinity; Bachelor of Arts
Deep Hope: You will take what you LEARN about God, use it to SERVE God, so you will GLORIFY God and God will say to you “WELL DONE!”
Category: Classroom
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Biology
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that together we will find ways to SERVE God as we EXPLORE and DISCOVER His creations through science.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Masters in Education-Curriculum and Instruction; Bachelor’s in Christian Missions and Education
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for my students is that as they grow in their love for literature, they would be able to grasp the fullness of who God is, recognizing His intricate design in all of creation. So that they may truly see their part in His story and go be His storytellers.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Human Development/Family Studies
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is to help my students develop the abilities and attitudes to become confident and kind stewards of God, courage to persevere to reach their goals, build a strong foundation for themselves, and know they can do hard things.
Category: Physical Education Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science and Exercise and Sports Sciences, Bachelor of Arts, Masters of Science in Interdisciplinary studies, Masters of Education / Educational Leadership
Deep Hope: My deep hope is through God’s help you can say… I am who I am supposed to be.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Education; Masters of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for my students is to love the God who made you to communicate with Him and to testify the gospel of His grace in Jesus.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies and Master of Arts in Classroom Instruction
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for my students is to clearly, compassionately and boldly proclaim God’s truths through written and spoken word as well as through authentic, Biblical living.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science-Human Science Applied and Professional Studies
Deep Hope: That you follow Christ’s example and live a life of service showing kindness, perseverance, and wisdom in all that you do.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Counseling
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for my students is that, inspired by the stories we explore together in our studies, they discover their true identity in Christ and cultivate a genuine relationship with Him.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelors of Business Administration
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for this class is that each student understands that the fruit of the Spirit is a gift from God. I pray they will live and understand how the “fruits” apply to them inside and outside of the classroom. Growing into their full potential in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. All Glory be to God.
Category: Director of Bands
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Music-Music Education All Levels
Deep Hope: Recognizing that God created us as spiritual beings in His own likeness for communion with Him, it is my deep hope that music study transforms and equips students to express their deepest adoration, praise and gratitude to God in response to His love; that the gift of music be utilized to communicate beauty, joy, grace, hope, and love in a fallen world; that the disciplines learned in band result in people who are responsible in their work ethic, creative thinkers, team players, and problem solvers.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science – Chemistry, Universidad Federal Fluminense Master of Science – Analytical Chemistry
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that my students marvel at the invisible matter and energy that reflects the character of our God in all creation.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science – Human Development/ emphasis on Early Childhood
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for you is that you come to know how much you are loved by your Creator. I want you to recognized God’s Story woven throughout history, develop an appreciation for the past, learn from the great men and women who have come before you, and understand your important role in God’s Story.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Child Development and Family Studies; Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education.
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that my students put God first in their thought, actions, and words as they serve and glorify God.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science, Habilitation of the Deaf
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for my students is that they know God is love and we love because He loves us.
Category: Music Teacher
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Master of Arts, West Texas State University; Bachelor of Music Education
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that the students learn more about God as they use their gifts and talents to be passionate worshippers of God through song and performance.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science, Secondary Math Education; Masters of Education, Instructional Technology
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that we engage in deepening our relationship with God, follow Him joyfully, and explore our part of God’s Story.
Category: Intervention Specialist
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Arts Music
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that you would know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that you would grow in the knowledge and truth of Jesus Christ so that you will be found faithful.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Ph. D in Soil Physical Chemistry; M.S. in Soil Science; B.S. in Crop Science
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for us to recognize that God commands us to be fruitful, tend gardens, and enhance the wonder of His world. God has given us “dominion” and “rule,” so we have the power to be the caretakers and stewards. God cares for us, and we, in turn, care for God’s world. We will develop a wonder and love of creating in all its goodness, order, intricate workings, and beauty through the study of physics, mathematics, engineering, and environmental systems.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that together we put God first in all we do and bring Him glory as we learn, grow and let His light shine through us to others.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Home Economics (Home and Family)
Deep Hope: My deep hope is for my students to know God as their creator and they are part of His creation. They will seek ways to show the LOVE of GOD through their creative ways.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Masters in Theology-Master of Divinity, Fuller Theological Seminary; Bachelor of Arts- English: Writing and Editing
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that students will understand that all literature communicates a worldview, learn to recognize a story’s worldview, interpret that worldview through God’s story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration, and grow in understanding that God’s story becomes their point of reference for truth.
Category: Intervention Specialist
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: BSIS in Early Childhood Education
Deep Hope: My deep hope is that you live in the light of God’s love by looking to eternity with CONFIDENCE and loving our brothers and sisters.
Category: Classroom Teacher
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with a Specialization in Mathematics
Deep Hope: My deep hope is that, according to how God uniquely designed my students, they will learn to love like Christ.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Masters of Science in Educational Technology in Learning Systems Design/Technology in Schools; Educational Specialist in Educational Technology in Learning Systems Design and Development; Bachelor of Science, Multidisciplinary Studies
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that my students will embrace, wholeheartedly, the love for all. They will understand that a better world will always exist for those that shine through Him.
Category: Special Services
Location: Elementary and Secondary Campuses
Education: Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Arts, P-4 Early Childhood Education
Deep Hope: My DEEP HOPE for my students is to DISCOVER the love of God. To GROW in the knowledge of His love, and take that knowledge and SHARE it with the world.
Category: Accommodated Learning / Intervention Specialist
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science; Certified in Reading, Special Ed, History, and ESL
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that each person can feel the love of Christ and develop a relationship with Him that will last a lifetime. That my students will know that they are created in a unique way so they will stand out in their mission for Christ.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for my students is that they will embrace learning as a journey of seeing God and beauty in math, deepen their faith, and take what they learn to glorify God.
Category: Special Services
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science-Sociology
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that God’s holy, wonderful, beautiful and awe-inspiring name would be honored and treasured above all else in my life, in the lives of my students, in this school, in our city, and among the nations.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science – Engineering Sciences; Master of Psychology, Counseling and Guidance; Master of Education – Secondary Education
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for my students is that they will learn to become involved in a community that will help them to spiritually prepare for the serious challenges they will face in the future when isolation and loneliness become more pervasive.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: BA Degree with a Major in History and a minor in English; Masters in Education; Principal’s Certification and Counselor’s Certification
Deep Hope: That the joy of the Lord make each of us stronger.
Category: Intervention Specialist
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Business Administration
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for my students is that they harness their unique strengths and use them confidently by discovering the true identity they have in Christ, while also knowing with him they can accomplish anything.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that my students know and love their Creator and find joy and curiosity in the wonder of creation.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Arts
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is for my students to use their God-given creativity to create beauty and bring joy to the community surrounding them.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Masters-Curriculum and Instruction; Bachelor of American Sign Language-American Sign Language
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is for ASL students to embrace and respect linguistic and cultural differences, following the biblical principle of “treating others as you would want to be treated.” By doing this, we create a positive, interactive language learning atmosphere in the classroom, thereby improving receptive and expressive skills in ASL.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science-Biology; Bachelor of Science-Health Care Administration; Practical Nursing Diploma
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that you will discover the talents and strengths you have are unique and God-given. Pursuing these will enable you to develop a passion that is uniquely yours and will guide your to be who God created you to be.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in General Studies (Education Concentration)
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is for my students to know they were designed by our Creator, God, wonderfully and intentionally for His purpose.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Services and Development with State Teaching Certification
Deep Hope: My deep hope is to equip disciples with skills, resources, and confidence to boldly serve the Lord.
Category: Junior High Girls Athletics Coach / Physical Education
Location: Elementary Campus
Education: BA in Interdisciplinary Studies of Liberal Arts with a minor in Elementary Education
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is to help my students build a strong foundation of literacy and Biblical understanding. I want to help them develop and foster confidence to be able to stand firm in their beliefs, their faith, and who they are. Their confidence will equip them for the “battlefield” beyond our school and as they grow.
Category: Classroom Instructor
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Education; Certifications-General Ed./Music Grades 1-8
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope for students is that, as believers, they internalize Romans 8:28, that they gain strength from KNOWING that GOD DOES work ALL things together for their good, even adversity. I hope they recognize that He will literally turn their tragedy into triumph if they will simply trust him and lean on His Word.
Category: Classroom Teacher
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science, Multidisciplinary Studies
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is for you to know WHO you are and WHOSE you are, putting on the full Armor of God so that you can stand your ground and not be shaken by the influences of the world, being strong in the Lord and His mighty power.
Category: Classroom Instructor, High School Head Volleyball Coach
Location: Secondary Campus
Education: Bachelor of Science-Family and Consumer Sciences
Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that you discover the value of diligence and perseverance, resulting in Godly character.