From exploring God’s word, creation and wonders, to a hands-on Christ-centered curriculum, SCS provides a springboard for learning and progression in the areas of intellectual, spiritual, social and emotional growth all while rooted in a safe and loving environment. How we interact, the values we promote, and the nurturing surroundings we provide are vital in students developing essential skills that will help them navigate our world and prepare for the future. Students exiting early elementary are ready and confident for what lies ahead in the next grade level.
A Firm Foundation For Successful Learning
Our Southcrest Christian Early Elementary program is designed to educate the whole child. We seek to integrate Biblical truth and academic excellence. Our environment allows children to develop spiritually and academically on the journey to reach his/her God ordained potential. Southcrest Christian Early Elementary provides a loving and joyful environment. Our program is designed to foster the spiritual, social, cognitive and physical development of each student. Our school is staffed by nurturing, experienced teachers who have a heart for serving the Lord and loving His children. In Early Elementary, emphasis is placed on the development of phonemics awareness skills. Reading, writing and math readiness skills are taught through phonics-based curricula. Students participate in multi-sensory learning centers that focus on meeting the needs of different learning styles. They are taught to know and love the Lord through interactive Bible lessons, songs, scripture memorization and chapel. Social development is encouraged through cooperative play. Early Elementary students engage weekly in music and movement, Physical Education, and story time. They also have daily recess time. Special days include visits from Community Helpers, a Christmas program, dress-up days, a Spring Music program and end of the year field day.
Early Elementary Program Highlights Include:
- Bible taught as a core subject
- Biblical principles extend into all subject areas
- Weekly campus-wide Praise and Worship Chapel
- Age appropriate community service projects
- Strong phonics-based language/reading program
- Fine and gross motor skills development
- Emphasis on pre-writing skills
- Math program includes use of manipulatives and technology
- Age appropriate technology use and instruction
- Music classes
Math Curriculum
Texas Standards (TEKS) – aligned instruction using hands-on manipulatives, a variety of strategies for differentiated learning, and real-world applications. An experienced instructional coach leads the math program with an emphasis on rigor and understanding.
Science Curriculum
Bob Jones, supplemental programs, hands-on experiences, and meaningful lessons to enhance TEKS-aligned instruction. Our science department is led by an experienced instructional coach with an emphasis on connecting science with a Biblical Worldview while enhancing discovery learning.
Language Arts
Writer’s Workshop, Phonics, Spelling and Grammar with cross-curricular experiences.
Foundations and Frameworks, Guided Reading, Daily 5 lessons.
Bible Curriculum
A Positive Action for Christ. “A God-Focus is seeking God’s glory and grace through all things.” Bible is not only taught as a core subject, but is integrated into all aspects of the students’ school day.
Social Studies / History Curriculum
BJU Press, Social Studies Weekly, Texas History TEKS-aligned lessons.
Awarded Model School for the Structure of Intellect
Pre-Kindergarten students participate in activities to “build the cognitive and perceptual strengths that empower students to transition from the concrete stage to the symbolic comprehension required in elementary school.” The Certified Learning program, included for all Kindergarten students, “optimally prepares each student for the transition to the more advanced curriculum. (SOI Systems)

Dr. Robert Meeker of SOI Systems
“In my opinion, Southcrest Christian School is educating children the way that the Department of Education intended children to be taught.”